
The Valu.Elearn distance learning environment aims to provide the most relevant strategic knowledge and methodological tools for evaluating how educational and organisational processes work within schools. The courses are targeted to adult professionals (teachers, school principals, experts in the evaluation of organisations and schools) interested in learning more about innovation and evaluation in and for the schools.

Teaching modules and units

The distance learning programme is divided into five modules, each providing an in-depth look at a wide range of topics. The modules are linked, but can be used on a stand-alone basis.

  1. Evaluation and self-assessment. Aims of evaluation activities, methodological aspects and strategies in educational evaluation.
  2. Educational contexts and developing expertise in evaluating schools.
  3. Social research methodology and techniques for collecting and interpreting information about schools.
  4. The social-relational dimension. Communicating within the school, collaborating as part of the evaluation team.
  5. The organisational aspect. Learning how to connect schools’ different stakeholders and institutional players.

A multidisciplinary technical and scientific committee of experts, appointed by the Director General of INVALSI, is in charge of monitoring the quality of the training content that is delivered. An active and collaborative learning methodology is recommended. Each module consists of 10 learning units, which comprise:

  • a package of short video lectures given by university lecturers;
  • study and further reading materials;
  • a self-assessment test for ensuring that the study program has been assimilated;
  • two exercises linked to actual cases and situations, to be carried out individually or in collaboration with other trainees, with the support of online tutors;
  • a final reflection and review of the main points.

The program is aimed at supporting the Italian National System for School Evaluation and is in Italian language.